Kamlesh Nagarkoti is cricket player of India and he is good Bowler ⚾, . Kamlesh Nagarkoti was born on December 28, 1999 .
Kamlesh Nagarkoti Family Background: Religion, caste, sun sign
Kamlesh Nagarkoti body statistics: height, weight, biceps & more
Let’s find it out, Kamlesh Nagarkoti’s physical stats and more.
Kamlesh Nagarkoti height is approximately 5 ft 9 in (175 cm).
Kamlesh Nagarkoti have a complexion.
Kamlesh Nagarkoti career journey from state level to international cricket:
Currently, Kamlesh Nagarkoti is in Kolkata Knight Riders team.
Kamlesh Nagarkoti played 2019, seasons in IPL.
- Name
- Kamlesh Nagarkoti
- Nationality
- India
- Position
- Bowler ⚾
- Current Price ( ₹ )
- 3.20 Cr
- Height
- 5 ft 9 in (175 cm)
- Current Team
- Kolkata Knight Riders
- Seasons
- 2019
- Birthday
- December 28, 1999
- Age
- 24
Season | Team |
Total | - |